Background & Motivation

Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) plans to upgrade Berths 203 to 205, Pier 2, Container Terminal, Port of Durban. The existing Blockwork Quay wall structure along Pier 2 Berth 203 to 205 was designed in the 1970s to support dockside cranes with the lifting capacity of 4 tonnes. The quay walls are presently operating beyond its original design limitations. Recent studies have concluded that the existing quay walls do not meet the minimum Eurocode 7 Safety Standards and that there is a risk of potential quay wall failure (PRDW, 2011)

Vessel sizes have also increased since the original terminal was constructed and Berth 203 to 205 cannot therefore safely accommodate fully laden new generation container vessels due to insufficient water depth at these berths. At present these vessels enter and exit the Port partially laden and during the high tide window. This is an unsafe operating condition and the risk exists that vessels could run aground. Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) has proposed the deepening, lengthening and widening of Berth 203 to 205 in order to improve the safety of the berths as well as to improve the efficiency of the Port.

The proposed upgrade would include the following:

  1. The westward lengthening of Berth 205 by 170m;
  2. The eastward lengthening of Berth 203 by 100m;
  3. The widening of Berths 203 to 205 by 50m;
  4. The deepening of the Berth channel, approach channel, and vessel turning basin from the current -12.7m CDP to -16.5m CDP;
  5. The construction of caissons or storage of sheet piles or precasting of elements of the Deck on Pile (for the Caisson option, Sheet Pile Option and Deck on Pile option, respectively) at Bayhead Lot 10.
  6. The offshore disposal of dredge material;
  7. The offshore sand winning for infill material; and
  8. The installation of new Ship to Shore (STS) cranes and associated infrastructure.